I have the amazing blessing of serving with a volunteer organization called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. You can read more about them on my website or you can check them out for yourself at www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org
In summary, I volunteer as a bereavement photographer for families who lose a baby during or shortly after birth, or for families who lose a baby during a NICU stay.
It is the most difficult work that I do; I am incredibly demanding of myself for these sessions and incredibly protective of the work I do.
It is also the most amazing work that I do. I love capturing the memories of a bubbly wedding couple or the craziness of a toddler. But, my work with NILMDTS is a whole 'nother dimension.
One particular family really "got into my heart" recently. They come to my mind at least once a day, and I find myself praying for them. I visit their blog occasionally to see how they are doing; hoping to hear a good update.
It is supposed to be my gift to them; but in so many ways, it has been even more of a gift to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thankyou.
In summary, I volunteer as a bereavement photographer for families who lose a baby during or shortly after birth, or for families who lose a baby during a NICU stay.
It is the most difficult work that I do; I am incredibly demanding of myself for these sessions and incredibly protective of the work I do.
It is also the most amazing work that I do. I love capturing the memories of a bubbly wedding couple or the craziness of a toddler. But, my work with NILMDTS is a whole 'nother dimension.
One particular family really "got into my heart" recently. They come to my mind at least once a day, and I find myself praying for them. I visit their blog occasionally to see how they are doing; hoping to hear a good update.
It is supposed to be my gift to them; but in so many ways, it has been even more of a gift to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thankyou.
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