
Maternity fun...

Meet the L family. Cute, trendy, in-love, and willing to brave the rain...what more could you ask for?

Since we had to cut this short due to weather issues (and little bolting toddlers!)...I wanted to make sure you had a couple of sneak peeks to carry you through 'til next week.

Thanks guys!

Meet Megan...

I had the best senior session with Megan (and her mom) today! The location was gorgeous - rolling hills, old stone farmhouse, railroad tracks (with a passing train!!!), barns, fields...it was a dream come true!

As you can see - Megan is fun and funky; she is also very talented. Keep an eye out...you will probably be hearing her name come out of Nashville sometime in the future! Thanks for a great session today...here is your sneak peek!


The greatest gift...

I have the amazing blessing of serving with a volunteer organization called Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. You can read more about them on my website or you can check them out for yourself at www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org

In summary, I volunteer as a bereavement photographer for families who lose a baby during or shortly after birth, or for families who lose a baby during a NICU stay.

It is the most difficult work that I do; I am incredibly demanding of myself for these sessions and incredibly protective of the work I do.

It is also the most amazing work that I do. I love capturing the memories of a bubbly wedding couple or the craziness of a toddler. But, my work with NILMDTS is a whole 'nother dimension.

One particular family really "got into my heart" recently. They come to my mind at least once a day, and I find myself praying for them. I visit their blog occasionally to see how they are doing; hoping to hear a good update.

It is supposed to be my gift to them; but in so many ways, it has been even more of a gift to me. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thankyou.



You know what? I don't live in the fanciest place in the world. I have been known to throw out my little jabs about this place ("armpit of the country, anyone?").

But, really, when I think about it...I have to admit, I am kinda proud of this city. Real efforts are being made to revitalize the place and bring the community together. And, when I headed downtown today, to capture some of the training for the F.D....well, I definitely found myself feeling pretty darn proud.

So, here they are...pics of MY city and MY fire department. These are some great guys, and I am thankful for what they do. And, if you look close enough, you will see one of them shooting me the "I love you" sign...it is nice to have your own personal stud firefighter! :)


A Few More...

Beth and Greg were one of the most in-love couples I have ever been around. Beth was the epitome of "bubbly" and "energetic," and you could tell that Greg absolutely adored everything about his new bride.

With as many amazing pictures as I got of the 2 of them, I couldn't help but post a few more...



Brandy Ellen Photography is now booking weddings.!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

If you have a wedding coming up in the winter of 2008 or in 2009 - check out my website (www.brandyellenphotography.com) for more information.

If you are still in the planning stages of your wedding, there is an intimate bridal show coming up - vendors of all kinds will be there (catering, photography, videography, cakes).

Check here (bridal show) for more information, and if you decide to attend, stop by my booth to check out my work.